Friday, February 8, 2013

Believe Acoustic

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, these last few weeks have been kicking my butt! :( Two weeks ago Justin Bieber released his second acoustic album called, "Believe Acoustic" and it is absolutely stunning! He did a fabulous job, I love just hearing his voice without the studio effects. There is a song called Nothing Like Us and he pours his heart into that song and you can really connect with the emotions he is feeling, it is awesome. This album really has let us experience what he has gone through with relationships and rumors and it is really special. tomorrow I have so much to do it is crazy, so even though it isnt even 10 on a Friday night, I'm going to bed.

Monday, January 14, 2013


This weekend I went on a youth retreat to Great Wolf Lodge and it was amazing! The speaker talked about being chosen and how Jesus chose us (Christians) to be different and weird, he calls us to suffer for His name, which is CRAY! He said this motto, "Go Big, Get Hurt" because that is how we should live our lives, going big for Jesus, sharing the Word to everyone and because of this we get hurt because the world doesn't like it. Living for Jesus is the hardest thing to do because it hurts and it is so hard! I have lost countless friendships because I chose to follow Jesus and they don't like it but it was totally worth it. Jesus is amazing and if anyone is reading this and doesn't know about Jesus and would like to know about Him, please feel free to comment and ask questions because He changed my life and it is only fair for me to continue on and help you find Him so He can change yours too! :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Are You Ready For Some Football?

So the Hawks are in the playoffs! I am a little sad because my beloved Eagles had a horrible season placing last in the NFC East at 4-11:( I'm hoping next year will be better because they are getting a new head coach. It is exciting for a home team to go to the playoffs though, I will admit! Lets just see if Russel Wilson and the Hawks will hold off RG3 and the Skins! This will also be a huge game for rookie QB Russel Wilson because he is in the running for winning Rookie of the Year for 2013 but Robert Griffin III is also in the running! It is gonna be good!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Celeb Gossip of 2013

Hey guys! So I went back to school from break today:( it sucked and I am sick so that doesn't help! I wanted to post some new celeb gossip, so as many of you may know, Kim K is prego! But the ish with this is that in the state of California when a woman is pregnant they automatically assume that the baby belongs to the husband. This may seem practical but it brings drama in this case. See Kim got married to Chris Humphries...a marriage that only lasted 72 days however the divorce is not 100% complete. According to the state of California, Kim K is impregnated with Chris' baby not Kanye West's baby, which all of us know Kim K is dating Kanye and he has admitted to being the father! This is be a shock when the baby is delivered and he/she is black! Haha, I thought that was interesting information and I will keep you updated with results of it all! Hope the new year is treating y'all well!

Monday, December 31, 2012


Hey guys,
So I cannot believe it is the last few hours of 2012! I am really excited for 2013 because I think it is going to be one of the biggest, scariest, and adventurous years of my life. I am graduating in the spring, moving to Colorado for at least a year, and God is going to move mountains in my life! I have absolutely NO idea what to expect but I know it is going to be good. If I could ask you to keep praying for me that would be amazing! I hopefully will be able to continue to blog when I am at Timberline so you will be able to share some of my adventures! I talked to a guy that works at Timberline and he has already been snowboarding 22 times because there is a free shuttle that takes you to the mountain and it is a 10 minute drive!!!!! OMG! I've only been once this year but I can't wait for next year. 2013 will definately be eventful and amazing but extemely challenging. I am excited to conquer it. Happy New Year everyone!

P.S. Lauren, if you wanna go snowboarding call my home phone and we should plan something soon! :) Love ya girl!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Hey everyone...well I only have one follower so hey Lauren! ;) So I've been thinking about chopping my hair off! I really want something new and I am sick and tired of my long hair. So here is what I am thinking...

I have gotten this in the past and I LOVED it. This time I would maybe not go as short as the first...leaning more toward the length of the second. But Selena has AWESOME hair and I sick of mine so I might cut it soon. That way too it would grow back by prom and be healthy! What do you think?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I hope your day has been treating you well! I just spent the last three hours trying to install a new Internet connection on a computer to find out that the CD drive is broken, so I can't install the connection. AWESOME! I wish I would have been told that 2.5 hours ago...but that's OK. Right now iTunes is installing a new update and I am waiting for that to finish so I can buy new music for my new iPod! yay!
Merry Christmas everyone!
blessings and xoxo,
A. Serendipitous